Concierge Therapy

Concierge Therapy

When you sign up for Concierge Therapy through PTX Therapy™, you will receive three months of personalized support from a dedicated PTX licensed therapist (and you may choose to work with me). Within one business day of signing up, you’ll receive an introductory email from PTX, and shortly afterwards, I (or another therapist) will contact you to schedule your first virtual appointment.

In addition to a year’s subscription to the PTX Therapy™ platform, your Concierge Therapy package includes the following: 

  • Five live Zoom therapy sessions

  • A detailed posture & pain analysis

  • Customized routines

  • Three months of unlimited email and text support

Your Concierge Therapist will help you on your journey to become pain free by educating you about the relationship between your posture and your pain, coaching you through your virtual therapy program progress, and answering any questions you have along the way.  For three months you will have unlimited communication with your therapist via email and text messaging.  Completing your exercise routines daily and frequent communication with your therapist will help you achieve success in taking control of your health. 

To learn more, visit the Concierge Therapy page on the PTX Therapy™ website.